AI and Robotics: UJ Launches Master’s Program

AI and Robotics: UJ

AI and Robotics: UJ Launches Master’s Program

AI and Robotics: UJ AMMAN — University of Jordan (UJ) sent off an expert’s program in man-made brainpower (AI) and mechanical technology, a joint task between the PC designing and mechatronics designing divisions.

The Developing Curricula for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (DeCAIR) project which is subsidized by the EU’s Erasmus+ Program is an ally of the expert’s program.

The program sent off Thursday is the first of its sort to be educated at a college in Jordan and includes AI and mechanical technology. It comes as Jordan gears up to change itself in the computerized time. The public authority connected up all open workplaces electronically and many administrations are currently being done on the web.

Last month, the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship reported that the draft 2023-2027 National Artificial Intelligence Strategy and its proposed leader plan will be available to public remark. It said the methodology seeks after an aggressive vision to situate Jordan as a local forerunner in AI by making an alluring official, mechanical, and pioneering climate for interest in brain organizations and benefiting from the Kingdom’s ability pool.

The UJ program is in accordance with the overall system of the expert’s projects, as per the senior member of the designing workforce, Nasser Al-Hunaiti. He said anybody holding a Bachelor’s certificate in any designing field can sign up for it.

What is AI and Robotics: UJ Launches Master’s Program

He commended the undertakings of teachers, who have worked starting around 2017 on the venture close by the outer exertion of the people who work in the DeCAIR.

UJ President Nathir Obeidat said: “I’m delighted to have added this program to the college considering the 60th commemoration of UJ.”

“Sending off the AI and advanced mechanics program gives us certainty that UJ is going on the correct way and is consistently in the front of scholastic accomplishments,” he said.

Be that as it may, Obeidat reprimanded the designing resources for barring the IT personnel from the program, “which ought to have played a critical part in it close by the PC and mechatronics designing divisions.”

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