appoints Gregory R. Ellis as GM of Application Security business has selected Greg Ellis as head supervisor of the Application Security business. Ellis will lead the item the board and designing groups and will accomplice intimately with’s worldwide business group and accomplice organization. “Greg is a colossal expansion to our administration group and gets an unrivaled foundation item, designing and tasks that will direct the following phase of development for our application security business,” said Stephen Elop, CEO of

“He has profound information on the stuff to safeguard our clients’ resources, and a history of progress in driving development situated business.”, Elop proceeded. Ellis has north of 25 years of different involvement with business activities jobs across different programming associations. Ellis was a unique item pioneer at Arxan Defense Systems, the establishment for’s security contributions.

After Arxan was procured by Microsemi Corporation in 2010, Ellis ventured into the job of VP of tasks at Microsemi Security Solutions where he drove a group of 25 specialists creating programming security arrangements.

At the point when Mercury Systems gained bits of Microsemi, he joined Mercury Systems as its senior supervisor of Secure Processing where he drove arrangement across deals, designing, item the board and item advertising.

“I’m eager to acquire my experience security and business tasks along with the group’s industry-driving items to give secure, coordinated stage answers for our clients,” remarked Ellis.

Ellis is based out of Lafayette, Indiana, which fills in as the primary presence for’s Application Security business, where he regulates a group of 50 designers and item supervisors. He reports straightforwardly to Elop.

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